Our Resident Pastor
CHARLES H. AMPONG affectionately called Pastor Charles is a servant of the Lord who has served in various capacities in churches in Ghana (International Central Gospel Church), Denmark, and the United States. Even though currently working as a University Professor, Charles has a calling upon his life to serve and promote the vision of International Central Gospel Church in Chicago.
This is also in fulfillment of the great commission of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as given by Him and it quotes “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature…….” . Charles and his family have been members of the International Central Gospel Church (I.C.G.C) since 1988. Charles is blessed with a beautiful wife Elizabeth Ampong and two children – Debbie and Liza.
Pastor Charles deems it a great privilege to do this work for the Lord and it is our fervent prayer that as you interact with us through this ICGC Chicago website, you would never be the same. God richly bless you and keep you. You are welcome to visit Pastor’s Blog for inspiring word of God that will transform your life.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.
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